Click Here to Watch Movies Online For Free
The link above is one of my favourite because there, on the site i could watch my favourite films and tv series. If you looks for one website where to find movies or any films you like you should check the website above because is one of the best . So, just click the link and start watch, is very easy and confortable.
joi, 4 februarie 2010
Free SMS service is very important for everybody because even if we don`t have credit we can send messages to our friends everywhere. You all should try this because is very usefull and very easy to use. Click on the links below and get started.
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Free SMS in India
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Free SMS in India
Saza Investments
Saza Investments is one of the most respected capital manager from the internet. Saza Investments are managing capital and provides investing services since 2004.
There are 3 types of investors at Saza Investments and those 3 are : Normal, Serious and VIP investors.
For normal investors the minimum capital is 30$ and the maximum is 100$ and the investment term is 8% weekly forever. For serious investors the minimum capital is 101$ and maximum 1000 $ and the investment term is 9% weekly forever. For the VIP investors the minimum capital is 1001 $ and maximum 15000 $ and the investment term is 10% weekly forever.
For each type of investors the referral comission is 1% and the payout is once a week, every friday.
"Saza Investments, where discerning investors have placed their trust..."
There are 3 types of investors at Saza Investments and those 3 are : Normal, Serious and VIP investors.
For normal investors the minimum capital is 30$ and the maximum is 100$ and the investment term is 8% weekly forever. For serious investors the minimum capital is 101$ and maximum 1000 $ and the investment term is 9% weekly forever. For the VIP investors the minimum capital is 1001 $ and maximum 15000 $ and the investment term is 10% weekly forever.
For each type of investors the referral comission is 1% and the payout is once a week, every friday.
"Saza Investments, where discerning investors have placed their trust..."
marți, 2 februarie 2010
Hair Care
Our hair is very important for everybody. You should have much care for your hair because it gives you such many advantages and also could give you some disadvantages. If you have a nice hair the people around you look and say : "wow" but if you have a bad hair or you even don`t have hair someone could say :" oh not like that".
You should care about your hair because having a beatiful hair means having pride and keep your head up everywhere you go.If don`t have hair or don`t like your hair you may hide to not be see by people you work, by everybody who is around you.
SO, take care about your hair and you will have only to win.
clips and pins
You should care about your hair because having a beatiful hair means having pride and keep your head up everywhere you go.If don`t have hair or don`t like your hair you may hide to not be see by people you work, by everybody who is around you.
SO, take care about your hair and you will have only to win.
clips and pins
duminică, 4 mai 2008
Dinamo 2-1 Steaua
GATA ! In sfarsit s-a jucat meciul asta, mult asteptat de toata lumea, de toata mass-media, de toti ciobanii, de toti taranii, de toti orasenii, de toti ... . Scorul e care e, iar din asta rezulta ca 99% steaua a pierdut titlul, deoarece cfr nu vad cum nu ar castiga la u cluj.
Sunt curios ce subiecte vor mai avea ziarele de acum incolo, ce vor mai da aia de la antena 1 la stirile sportive, ce se va mai dezbate prin oras etc. Acum probabil ca 1 saptamana se va dezbate meciul, fazele importante, distractia de dupa meci, plangaceala de dupa meci, erorile arbitrului(care nu prea au fost, da mintea conducatorului roman de fotbal lucreaza non-stop si tot se gaseste ceva).
Sunt curios ce subiecte vor mai avea ziarele de acum incolo, ce vor mai da aia de la antena 1 la stirile sportive, ce se va mai dezbate prin oras etc. Acum probabil ca 1 saptamana se va dezbate meciul, fazele importante, distractia de dupa meci, plangaceala de dupa meci, erorile arbitrului(care nu prea au fost, da mintea conducatorului roman de fotbal lucreaza non-stop si tot se gaseste ceva).
Nebunia Dinamo - Steaua
Doamne, toate ziarele de sport au pe prima pagina doar titluri cu acest meci, site-urile acestor ziare de sport, au si ele numai stiri despre acest meci, lucruri care le-au spus ieri si azi le repeta, lucruri care le stim deja, de care ne-am saturat sa mai auzim.Televiziunile aloca peste 45 de minute unui jurnal de sport doar pentru a se prezenta inca o data stirile care sunt in ziarul din acea zi, sau care au fost publicate in urma cu o zi pe site-ul ziarului pe care-l pastoresc.
Auzim doar "Gigi Becali a spus .... / a dres ...., Borcea a declarat .... , Turcu este suparat pe ...., Argaseala face pe ......., Ilie este suparat pe comisia X, etc".
E un simplu meci de fotbal, acu nu chiar simplu pt. ca intr-adevar poate decide campioana insa ce atata tam-tam ? cine e mai bun sa castige.
Auzim doar "Gigi Becali a spus .... / a dres ...., Borcea a declarat .... , Turcu este suparat pe ...., Argaseala face pe ......., Ilie este suparat pe comisia X, etc".
E un simplu meci de fotbal, acu nu chiar simplu pt. ca intr-adevar poate decide campioana insa ce atata tam-tam ? cine e mai bun sa castige.
sâmbătă, 3 mai 2008
Prefixuri in Romtelecom
Am auzit ca se introduc prefixurile in reteaua Romtelecom fie ca suni in localitae, fie ca suni in tara.
Pana pe data de 1 august se va putea suna cu ambele metede( fara prefix si cu prefix). Din august si pana in 1 noiembrie daca nu formezi prefixul un robot te atentioneaza si iti explica cum sta treaba, iar din 1 noiembrie daca nu formezi prefixul nu vorbesti la telefon.
Click pt. lista cu prefixe
Pana pe data de 1 august se va putea suna cu ambele metede( fara prefix si cu prefix). Din august si pana in 1 noiembrie daca nu formezi prefixul un robot te atentioneaza si iti explica cum sta treaba, iar din 1 noiembrie daca nu formezi prefixul nu vorbesti la telefon.
Click pt. lista cu prefixe
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